Federal Government Helping Ex-Slaves

    After the Civil War, one of the major changes in the South was the emancipation of the slaves working on the plantations. They achieved the status of literal equality, which they could only dream of before the Civil War. Though it was much anticipated that the outcome of the Northern victory over the South will result in freedom, the aftermaths, responsibilities and burdens, which lay ahead in the path of the freed slaves were really troubling. Since after the emancipation most of the ex-slaves felt helpless and unable to determine how to make a living, raise and educate their children and find themselves a place to live.

    At this time the federal government came forward and played a pivotal role in helping out these people overwhelmed by the feeling of freedom. The federal government made and institution the  Freedman  Bureau , which has the sole responsibility of assisting the newly freed blacks in not only establishing their schools, churches and other community based institutions, but they also provided them support to achieve their active role in the public institutions like casting vote and holding public offices. The government also considered to take measures to assist the black population of the the South economically and even to provide them lands in Sea Islands, South Carolina and Davis Bend, Louisiana. These efforts helped a lot of black of communities to establish themselves and start their new lives in a meaningful way.

    On the contrary, most of the efforts made by the federal government were incomplete and lack proper consideration of what is the best for the ex-slaves, as well as proper coordination and management of resources. The government was reluctant to provide the black enough support so that they can establish better educational institutions, and most important failed to provide the Blacks the opportunities they needed then to become equal partners of the southern white population. Another severe failure of the federal government was to allow the fascist Confederates to participate in politics, hold public offices and pass laws regarding segregation of blacks and depriving them to vote or hold public office. This all crushed the dreams of the emancipated black population and they were again practically enslaved by the white for at least the next 70 years.


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