Reaction Paper on Moolaade (2004)
Directed and written by Ousmane Sembene, Moolaade is a film that focuses on a group of 4- to 9-year old girls in Burkina Faso, Africa who wants to escape the tradition of female circumcision. The process of female circumcision is fatal and often affects the future pregnancy of the woman. In the movie, the group of six girls, two of which committed suicide to avoid the brutal operation, decides to seek Colle for a magical protection, also known as Moolaade. In Moolaade, Colle is the heroine as she defies African tradition of female circumcision for her own daughter and also puts the group of girls under her protection. The villagers take desperate measures to force the defiant into succumbing by ordering Colles husband to whip her till she revokes the Moolaade (Internet Movie Database).
I think that Moolaade is an inspirational movie for women of all ages. It shows that women should be brave enough to fight for their rights despite the dictations of society. I see that Colle stood by her principles and accepted the consequences of her actions and ignited some of the women in the village to take a stand. I feel that the movie by 81-year old Sembene focused on yet another social issue in our world today. In my opinion, the movie is an eye-opener for both men and women worldwide. The movie shows that there are many inhumane traditions that are being followed in other parts of the world and the desperate measures that some people take in order to change it. The social issues being discussed in the movie can be related to other issues in the world. An example will be sexism in certain parts of the Middle East. Females continue to be viewed as a subordinate gender to males and have limited rights in the world (Farooq). I believe that this is a situation that requires the female population to step up and be heroes for themselves and their daughters. A good quote from the movie that exudes heroism is One cannot deny someone protection, as said by Colles daughter regarding the girls who sought Colles moolaade. It shows that females should be united and should be responsible for protecting female human rights. In addition to that, female oppression should be eliminated by the female population in all parts of the world.
In conclusion, Moolaade, a Cannes Award-winner, should be discussed in all education institutions in order to encourage the students to fight for their rights without fear of the consequences. It will help strengthen the future generation into having a mind of their own and sticking to it rather than tolerating blind obedience and sheep mentality.
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