Term paper History.

The progression and development of the African American movement would not have been successful if not for the inputs and attempts of individuals to continuously recognize their significance and relevance in American society. Their undying efforts to equalize and find opportunities for imparting change becomes the catalyst in upholding the change necessary and the consensus towards finding the necessary elements shaping their role in society. Given these opportunity, there are certain themes in the clamor for equalization and alternatives that remains to be influential in shaping the ways to impart the notions for development.
    One important theme can be considered relevant to the plight of African Americans involve the speech made by Booker T. Washington. In his address, he exemplified the relevance and significance of African Americans in American society. Despite the initial attempts by the Whites to subjugate their roles to mainly agriculture and relatively have inferior roles in society, the essence and values that they portray showcase the positive elements of culture. These comprise of (1) patience, (2) perseverance, and (3) law-abiding.
    At the same time, the perspective of Washington seeks to portray an African American who is dynamic and responsive to the changes. In the speech, it is said that if anywhere there are efforts tending to curtail the fullest growth of the Negro, let these efforts be turned into stimulating, encouraging and making him the most useful and intelligent citizen. This positive view towards seeking change remains essential in finding the right mindset in clamoring for equality. At the same time, it fosters the same amount of respect on how African Americans have contributed to the development and growth of the country.
     Another theme that can be included and holds a beneficial ground resounds on the arguments presented by Henry McNeal Turner. His point of view corresponds to the justification of the growth and development of African Americans. Despite the common conceptions about their inferiority compared to whites, the perspective highlighted by Turner justifies their capacity to become involved in deeper state and societal affairs. They are in very essence part of the American race. These have been justified by their participation and relentless service provided to the country. It can be seen here that there is the desire for equality and realization towards respecting ones worth. What the black man needs is a country and surroundings in harmony with his color and with respect for his manhood.
    This theme then becomes the essential building blocks of nationalism and identity. It is in here that the perspective of being American despite the differences in color and social status becomes recognized. These then brings about the condition towards shaping the value and importance of freedom. African Americans need the corresponding value of respect and determination to achieve this. Likewise, it is an essential component that shapes altogether their plight to uplift the common misconceptions and standards given. If the Negro is to be a man, full and complete, he must take part in everything that belongs to manhood.
    The last aspect that can be included within the theme of the African American Movement would be the desire to sustain and influence continuity of the struggle towards equality. Under W.E.B. Dubois statement, it is the relevance of education that provides such impetus in gaining advantage and recognition towards change. The realization towards development comes from learning the past mistakes and trying to induce new ways for African Americans to diversify their capabilities and strengths accordingly. Education and work are the levers to uplift people. These two components become the driving force in realizing that the past inadequacies can be attainable.
    Moreover, this remains also to be an influential dimension shaping recognition among African Americans. Since many clamor for equality and ending discrimination, there needs to be justification for such. Each action must coincide with the desire to improve and develop. The common perspectives of hard work and education should remain the motivation shaping actions by people. At the same time, continuity and transcendence need to be made so as to foster growth. It can be seen that the Talented Tenth of the Negro race must be made leaders of thought and missionaries of culture among their people. The lack of these changes would then limit and disengage the value that African American patriots have long strived for. 
    On the other hand, the argument and theme presented by Frances E. W. Harper showcases the notion of using religion as a basis for fighting towards equality. Reflecting on this themeidea, the common perspective becomes relatively construed with the true nature of what African Americans are fighting for. Rather than seeking to find possible solutions and alternatives to the problems on hand, there is then the common perspective that religion can become a solution to the problem. Such conceptualization only discourages possible solutions and alienates the capacity towards facilitating avenues towards recognition and equality.
    Though this may prove to be an important component in shaping perspectives among African Americans in gaining strength and determination towards their objectives, common ideals must be made in order to generate and explore possible dimensions in extracting new directives leading to development. Seeing this, common ideals must be separated within the functions of religion and the clamor for equality and recognition.


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