Seminoles White Potato Clan Legend.

Seminoles White Potato Clan Legend
In the late 1840s Ireland experienced famine because potato production dropped due to mold infections (Grubb and Guilford, 1912). It is a crop recommended for Chineses consumption to help alleviate drought since it requires less water supply than rice and corn (Coonan, 2007). Potatoes serve as one of the most common root crops in the United States (Pack et al, 2003). Potatoes are important in early civilizations like the Incans (Chapman, 2000). Potatoes were their staple crop and managed to preserve it for up to ten years through dehydrating and mashing.
Among the several varieties of potatoes, the white-skinned potato was the one grown commercially all throughout Florida (Pack et al.,2003). The texture also differs due to its relative smoothness in comparison to other varieties. Its tubers have shallower eyes. The Seminole and Miccosukee tribes in South Florida are also involved in the cultivation of potatoes in the area. In fact, one of the Seminole tribes is known as the white-potato clan. This clan has its share of legend transmitted through oral folk tales.
The clan system of the Seminole is matrilineal (Weismann, 1999). This means that the clans of the children are based on the clan of their mothers. According to legends, the white-potato clan was formed when male Seminole natives married white people (Mikasuki). The union produced clan-less children. If a child does not belong to any clan, they will not be able to enjoy the privileges enjoyed by those with clans. In addition, there is a tradition that people from the same clan cannot inter-marry.
Thus, according to the legend, the mothers of the clan-less children talked to the village elders. The elders instructed them to pray to the Creator. They went to the place for prayers and asked for the creators guidance. For several days, the mothers prayed until finally the creator spoke to them. The creator told them to look for a plant from the grounds, which would give them instructions to solve their problem and the clan name for their children. The creator said that the plant was located in the place with soft ground and black waters. (Mikasuki) The legend said that the search continued for days until the mothers were about to give up. The mothers prayed for the creators guidance, and they finally heard the plants voice. The plant told the mothers that it may be living underground but the creator had vested him with the ability to see things in all directions at once. The plant told them that they need to take out its eyes and plant it on small mounds. The plant said that upon doing this, the people would have an ample supply of food. The legend said that the clan-less children became the White Potato Clan and that the white potato remained an important part of the Seminoles diet.
It could be deduced from the above discussion that plants are seen as the messenger of the creator and the manifestation of his grace, ability to help and power. Humans are portrayed as beings that depend on plants even on minute matters such as a clan-name. The importance of white potato in the current environment and society, especially in the Native Americans diet sustained the legends existence.


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