The author of the document is Salvian who is a Christian writer of the 5th century. Most historians believed that he was probably born in Cologne between years 400 and 405 (Biography of Salvian,  HYPERLINK He wrote documents that provided a vivid description of life in Gaul in the fifth century wherein the decline and fall of the Roman Empire occurred. 
    Gaul is part of the Western Roman Empire who at that period is under siege from the Germanic tribes. The experience of war and conquest varies across the empire but particular to Gaul, warring group includes the Romans, Goths and the Bagaudae (Ward-Perkins 14). Both the Goths and the Bagaudae had established states independent from Rome. The latter are peasants who led revolts against the Roman administration and against aristocratic landlords (Van Dam 27), this implies that there is a direct conflict between the local populace and the central administration of the empire. This is because the empire is viewed as oppressive and exploitative due to the abuse of the local aristocracy and the burden of taxation to the people (Van Dam 206).
    Originally Christianity was banned by the Roman Empire and its members persecuted, but despite these adverse conditions the religion still flourished. A turning point in the history of Christianity is when Constantine became the emperor and he legalised, emancipated, protected, and given lands and buildings (Flick 116) to the church. The Edict of Milan, which allowed religious liberty provided Christians a way to proclaim their faith and organized publicly. A lot of Romans at this point deserted paganism and embraced the Christian faith (Flick 119). The spread of Christianity was phenomenal that for over a thousand years after Constantines support it was still the most powerful moral, social, and political agency the world has ever seen (Flick 126).
    Needless to say this is the prevalent belief during the time of Salvian. People suffering from the abuse of the Roman authority and the fear of the barbaric invasions embraces the religion even more because it provides hope. Hope that with good deeds they would reap the rewards in heaven.

    This document is a letter written by Salvian probably to the community of Lerins in order for them to accept his kinsman. According to the Christian Classic Library it is probably in Marseilles where he wrote his first letter and was published after the capture of Litorius at Toulouse in (439) and after the Vandal conquest of Carthage in the same year (Biography of Salvian,  HYPERLINK
    This provides a vivid description of the conflict that is happening in Gaul and Spain. Salvian describes the desertion of the Roman citizens and their willingness to pledge their allegiance to the Goths or the rebels known as Bagaudae. He further discussed the reasons behind this desertion, for even he, is now planning to search and join the Bagaudae. The reasons that he provided includes tyranny of the local aristocrats and their abusive way in exhorting taxes from the people. Also he believes that widows and orphans are being taken advantage by the local authorities. He further points out that ones safety is only assured if one is bad and is part of the robbers.
    Regarding the Bagaudae, Salvian believes that they are wronged. It is the unjust decision of the judges and the local authorities that branded them as rebels and outcast. They are outcasts because they are not allowed to be a citizen of Rome. After loosing their right to become Roman citizens they also lost the right to use their Roman name. This misfortune of the rebels who are considered criminals by society is due to the unjust authorities. The local Roman authorities, who are characterized by selfishness and only thinks of their own gains, should be blamed for the eventual downfall of Rome.  According to him even Roman citizens who previously perceive citizenship as the highest splendor of dignity now hates to even be associated with Rome.
    This is a political document that attacks the wrongdoings of persons in authority, specifically the local aristocrats and judges. It shows the social stratification, wherein the influential people tend to take care of only their own interest and let their constituents, mostly the poor people to fend for themselves. This contradicts the Christian value that Rome proclaims. This conflict of principle and action influence people to shift allegiance to the invading barbarians where their faith is tolerated and their relative freedom and dignity valued.
    This aims to educate other communities of the Roman Empire, for them to be forewarned about the possibility of desertion due to abuse. That authorities may change the way they are handling the affairs of the community or for the people to decide immediately to go to the other side and avoid prolonged violence.

    The effect of the political structure to the life of the individual in the society is the central them of this letter. Society is made up of citizens with a government that administers to their needs. This is not limited to these elements because there are certain belief systems of culture that is being followed by the community. In this case it is Christianity.
    After Constantine legalized the practice of Christianity in Rome (Flick 116) most of the people embraced this religion. This includes the belief in the rewards in the after life which is only possible through faith in Jesus Christ and good deeds while on earth. This belief also led people to be more idealistic when it comes to values of charity and democracy that were exemplified by Christ. Christianity also put forth the belief that an individual should respect authority.
    A conflict is inevitable when the political leaders not only fails to exhibit Christian values expected by the community but further shows abusive behavior in the treatment of the people and further strangle them with  demands on higher payments for taxes. The people in the community understand that they are being forced unjustly to pay taxes while their right as citizens is not even honored. Examples such as the unjust removal of citizenship rights from the Bagaudae and also the fact that the Roman authorities are not concern about their safety from the invading barbarians.
    The abuse of authority and unjustifiable judgment discussed here conflicts with the Christian values of the community and thus they move or in Salvians words flee towards the barbarians or the rebels and live in their independent states that could provide the safety and freedom they desire. These Roman citizens who deserted Rome would continue their life, their work and their belief with only a minor difference and that is the fact that their leaders are not people appointed by Rome anymore.


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