Women and Slavery
2. With regards to the law governing children of slaves, they automatically become slaves upon birth. This came about after the slave trade ended and it made slave women who were fertile very much in demand to help keep the population of slaves sufficient to the needs of the rural economy of the South.
3. Looking at it from Lincolns perspective, it was not only reasonable but very obvious. It was only proper to return these freed slaves to the land of their birth with the hope that they could resume their old lives once more. Through hindsight, the emancipation of the Negroes did not give them complete freedom and equality as they had to go through segregation for nearly a hundred years.
4. What is surprising is that Linda consents to having an affair with her white neighbor which was preferable to being abused sexually by her owner. And when she escaped, she was fortunate that her children were sold off rather than made to disappear (Jacobs, 1861).
5. It is probably appalling to say the least. It can be inferred that discussing this might give wrong impressions and even stereotyping about African-American women.
6. Regardless of race, the point is when the issue of sex is combined with women, the impression would be women are merely sex objects whose role is nothing more than to satisfy mens lusts.
7. Probably not. Apathy would probably have made them turn away.
8. This would be Aunt Linda. Though she has a positive character, it is her selfishness that seems to negate this character when she became so possessive of her children and grandchildren that she did not want to separate with them even if it meant being free.
9. First, slavery is something to be loathed upon in the sense that human beings should not be treated inhumanely. Second and corollary to this is how women like Linda are treated. Treating women like sex objects and mere child-bearers is truly appalling.
10. If there is one question in my mind, it would be how could people in the South be so cruel
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