The differences between womens life in different cultures
Fortunately or unfortunately, but culture has played a very important part in a womans life. The life of a woman is completely molded by the culture in which she lives. A conservative culture gives birth to a woman who is restricted in many terms while in a modern culture a woman is free to live her life in her own ways where she set the rules for herself (Das Gupta).
The two cultural under consideration in this paper would be American and Chinese cultural. The most important thing that lays apart the two cultures is the openness and their level of formality on every aspect. American are considered as more open towards every walk of life where they prefer discussing things and excepting things from the front while the Chinese are more reluctant in discussing things and avoid direct confrontation (Some General Difference Between Chinese and American Culture).
Familial Support for Women
Growing old for a woman is a different experience in different cultures. In some it is that portion of her life where she is loved the most and becomes closer to her family while in the other it might be a completely gloomy experience. It has been found by a research that age is the most essential aspect of determining a womens support by her family in Chinese and American cultures (Das Gupta).
It has been found that in Chinese culture as a woman grows old she tends to become closer to her family. In China the older people are given a lot of respect and are considered as the most important part of the family. While when a female is young she might not get that amount of support by her family like the one she gets as she grows old. Chinese people are considered as more respectful and loving towards the old people in their families.
American culture is in most aspect is opposite to the Chinese culture. In American young girls tend to get more support from their families as compared to the older females. Here as the age grows the familial support tends to reduce. Therefore young Chinese mothers are tend to receive less support from their role as a parent as compared to the young American mothers who get more support.3
This could be justified by the time conscious attitudes of the two cultures. Chinese tend to remember their past and weight it a lot when taking decisions while American are more future oriented and for them its more to care about the future than the past. The experience of older women is very opposite in the two cultures as Chinese women tend to get more love, attention and support in their old days as compared to American women (Some General Difference Between Chinese and American Culture).
Womens Sexuality
Chinese culture is known for its avoidance of controversial and notorious issues. It is preferred in the Chinese culture to not be very open about various taboos. Women Sexuality is considered as a taboo in a Chinese culture. Fidelity and purity are the most fundamental requirement for a womens body. American culture accepts more openness and liberty than the Chinese culture. In American culture female are more competitive and liberal in their thinking and action. Today the American women are more independent and competitive than the American women 2 decades ago (Josephine).
Chinese culture requires purity from a female and thus anyone who dares to stray away from the path has to face serious consequences. Even today female sexuality is something which cannot be discussed openly in China. Females are expected to be loyal and pious in their courtship and any female found deviating is punished heavily by the society. For Chinese women sexual pleasure is only restricted after they are married to anyone and then has to come from the person they are married to. Mingling with other men is not a very acceptable practice in Chinese culture.
A life of a Chinese woman is similar to that of Sandra Cisneros (who was later called the Goddess of Sex) who was living in a society where sexuality was a taboo. Chinese culture has a lot of imprints of religion in it which makes a Chinese woman very conservative. In China a female learns about sexuality from their religion and culture as Sandra- the Goddess of Sex used to in her early days (Okazawa-Rey, Kirk and Margo).
An American woman is more open and liberal in her actions. Since the culture is more open, thus the females are more liberal when it comes to sexuality. Sex is a very openly discussed topic by females now. For an American women freedom to sexual pleasure is her right which she can exercise whenever she wants. If a woman cannot match up to her expectation for sexual pleasure she feels herself as beaten and thus works hard to get that pleasure from whatever means she can. It is considered as a very normal thing for American women and thus even young girls are very open to it (Ruitenbeek, Hendrik Marinus).
Womens Role
A woman has been assigned various roles by nature. She is born as a daughter and then throughout her life plays various roles as a sister, mother and wife. Whatever the role may be but every time she has to forgo one or the other thing in her life to be fair in either of her roles. A woman is at various times seen forgoing what she wants just for her family (Licia).
This sense of forgoing varies from culture to culture but the female has to forgo even if a little bit. Some cultures require more sacrifice and patience from women while in some females are more liberal and choose for themselves. This difference is because of the generic difference in the culture.
Family is considered as a very essential unit in the Chinese society. Women in China are more dedicated and centered towards their family. Their decision about their personal life is very much regulated by their family which at all times are their preference. Chinese culture gives more weight to relationship and especially females are found more relationship oriented than task oriented (Dr. Deborah).
American culture on the contrary is the opposite where females are found giving more weight to their ambitions and task. Americans generally are found more task oriented than relationship oriented. An American woman generally is more ambitious who places her professional life equally important as their personal life. American women are more rational than emotional when taking their decisions.
A female is different in every culture. Chinese culture is more conservative towards the life of a woman while in American culture a woman is more liberal and open towards herslef and her life. Going through various culture some really drastic differences can be found in the way a female leads her life and this all is because of the vast differences in the cultures around the world. None of these can be termed as right or wrong because it is something very subjective and restricted to that particular region.
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