What Makes Me Happy

This question is a philosophical inquiry of the self. In order to make a detailed and rational answer, let us breakdown the question. To make means to be in a particular state. The term me is synonymous with the self or character. Happy means perpetuation of good life, or in Aristotelian view living in highest virtue. Now, the question can be rephrased as follows what does it mean to have a good life

In the modern world, an individual is expected to be sophisticated, intelligent, and reliable. People who fail to adjust to these conditions are left out  individuals deemed to be failure. But in a complex world, what make me happy are things which are of spiritual value. God is lost in complexity. The world seems to ignore the real presence of God in our existence. God is somehow relegated to the academe  a theme of study and discussion.

What humans fail to understand is that God is a forceful figure of human history. In all epochs, God made His presence to man. This presence, through communion (koinonia), is a reality. Now what makes me happy is the fact that God is a continuing theme of human existence. This may sound a little bit awkward. But God is, and will be. The simple things of nature  trees, birds, and mountains  are the definitive clauses of human existence. Now, what makes me happy is a condescending question. It is both personal and generative. Indeed, the personal history of each individual is a unique explication of nature.


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